There are times you need to roll up your sleeves and handle a project around the house, and times when it’s best to call  EZ Fix Handyman Service.


  • Tools – Do you have the tools the project calls for? If so, proceed to the next tip.  If not, know that acquiring the tools for a specific home improvement project such as installing doors or locks, repairing drywall, repairing tile flooring, or installing a kitchen backsplash can be costly.  If the hardware store doesn’t have the tool you need, that can further postpone your project.  And of course, if you’re not sure how to use the tool, that can “throw a wrench” into your project as well.  If you don’t have the tools and supplies the project needs, save yourself the hassle and call on a trusted home improvement company or handyman service to do the work!
  • Time – How much spare time do you have to commit to the project? However long you estimate the project will take, we advise increasing it.  It seems like once you finally get going on a big home improvement project, you inevitably have to stop what you’re doing and go to the hardware store (sometimes more than once!) to pick up supplies you didn’t know you’d need.  Your free time is too important to spend running around to the hardware store or fussing over projects that are not going efficiently.  Hire a good local handyman and go do something else with your time and energy!
  • Patience – If the idea of a honey-do list or project list growing out of control makes you feel stressed, or if you’re opposed to making trips to the hardware store or spending time reading instruction manuals, we recommend calling on a highly rated handyman service for your home improvement job. Home repairs such as installing crown molding, installing garage organization, or re-routing dryer vents all require skill, tools, and time, but perhaps most scarce of all – patience!
  • Prowess – Do you have the aptitude to take on the home improvement task your home needs? If you enjoy DIY home improvement like rotten wood repair, drywall repair, fixing leaks, and installing tile flooring and have an aptitude for it, great!  If not, or if you’re not sure, be prepared to spend time watching online tutorials or calling on a friend to come help you out.  Better yet, schedule the job with a good professional handyman service and trust the job to the pros!

More and more homeowners in Las Vegas  are calling EZ FIX Handyman Service to take care of their home improvement projects.  We know there are many good handyman services in the area, but EZ FIX is the trusted name in home services is the best company for your home.  Instead of putting off your project or just “living with it,” give us a call and let our handyman take care of everything!