Have you ever made a little hole in your wall? Accidents occur overtime and we need to know how to repair it ourselves sometimes. Today we will help in repairing minimal holes in your wall with these easy steps. Note if you would like any help feel free to contact us at Ez Fix (702)-883-7707.


  1. Drywall compound
  2. putty knife
  3. paint primer
  4. paint
  5. sand paper
  6. rags


  1. First prepare the area by cleaning with a rag
  2. apply the drywall compound to the small hole with the putty knife
  3. let the dry wall compound dry
  4. add another coat of drywall compound
  5. let second coat of compound dry
  6. lightly sand the drywall patch to match with the surrounding wall level
  7. apply primer to the drywall patch and let it dry
  8. apply your paint of choice to the patch and let dry
  9. now enjoy your perfect looking wall