Have you ever noticed changes to your bathroom? The bathroom is a high traffic area, you will eventually start to recognize changes to the caulking. The caulking will often start to split or fall off, one could find areas to re-caulk such as sinks, bathtubs, and toilets. Today we will be solving this problem with the step by step process in removing and replacing new caulking. Note if you feel you need any assistance don’t hesitate and call Ez Fix. (702)-883-7707


  1. utility knife
  2. a razor scraper
  3. paper towels
  4. bathroom caulking
  5. caulk gun


First locate the areas that need to be re-caulked, next use your utility knife and cut along the edge of the caulk lines, now scrape any excess material off with the razor scraper. If there is caulking residue use a damp paper towel or rag to clean the area, let the area dry for a few minutes before re-caulking the surface. After the area has dried insert the caulking tube into the gun and cut the tip off the caulking tube at an angle, easily apply a thin layer of caulking to the area with light pressure and wipe any excess there may be. Let the bathroom caulking dry for 24 hours before using and enjoy your re-caulked bathroom!