How to replace and install a window screen? First, locate the window in which case you would like to replace and install a new window screen. All window screens are located at the back of every window and are there for the purpose of keeping insects away from the inside of your home, they are also there to maintain view and airflow. For this solution we recommend every individual to wear protective equipment to keep oneself safe from any harms, for example, gloves and protective eye wear. Note if you would like any assistance with this solution give us a call. EZ Fix (702)-883- 7707

Steps to remove a window screen:

  1. wear gloves and protective eye wear for safety measures
  2. locate the window screen by opening your window
  3. press your screen upwards at the top
  4. locate the screen tabs and pull upwards
  5. now you have successfully removed your window screen

Steps in installing a new window screen:

  1. slide the new screen into the grove of your window
  2. press upward at the top of your screen
  3. pull the screen tabs while pressing upward at the top of your screen
  4. insert the screen at the bottom of the window grove
  5. now you can enjoy a new window screen